Demo update (v8)

Found more rough edges and decided to push a quick improvement, even if slightly incomplete.

The main things fixed:

  • Mission selection will now show directly below the unfinished missions how many points are needed to unlock more missions. This should help address any confusion regarding the scope of the demo (12 missions across 2 locations).
  • Each mission in mission selection should now also show in various places (depending on relevance) how many points completing the mission would add to the total. This should motivate finishing the tutorial even if it seems unnecessary, especially since it's almost certainly going to be useful for understanding how parts of this game work.
  • Removed local interaction prompt when unable to interact, specifically to avoid confusion in the knocking selection of the enemy tutorial as to what is expected to proceed.

Some environment mapping issues were also fixed but it'll be difficult to see the improvements there, except for perhaps the player start indicator showing up in some reflections (it shouldn't be there).

Hopefully this solve the remaining trivial issues enough for the game to be appreciated for what it was intended to be from the start. Regardless, if any other such issues remain, the demo will be updated to fix those as well. 🥷

Files 196 MB
Version 58 days ago

Get corpo/ghost - demo

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